He played don Juan , Don Quixote , The Clash in the face of the unforgettable Jean Piat. Francis Lalanne likes to compose complex characters who, basically, are like him. Yesterday yellow jacket so vindictive that thundering, he would have liked to now integrate the operational reserve of the gendarmerie nationale. Unfortunately for him, his nomination was refused. The gendarmes, responsible for the well-founded applications, were of the view that its about the recent in the place of the president of the Republic and the minister of the Interior was incompatible with the duty of reserve to which the constables must undergo. This information has been revealed by our colleagues at RTL.

» READ ALSO – «yellow Vests»: for Francis Lalanne, «Macron is the origin of crimes against humanity,»

active Support of the yellow vests since the beginning of the movement, Francis Lalanne has clearly exceeded the bounds of the politically incorrect on 2 February, aiming directly Emmanuel Macron and Christophe Castaner. In his words the singer accused the head of State and the minister of the Interior to be responsible for outbursts during demonstrations: «These are the ones who create the violence. They are the origin of all of these crimes against humanity.»

This output without shades, or even insulting to the head of State and the executive will have been due to the ambition of Francis Lalanne to become chief of the reserve squadron of the national gendarmerie. Because, in addition to the necessary technical and physical abilities required by their future missions, the military police must comply with a strict professional code of ethics.

On the official website for registration to the reserve is recorded in full in article R. 434-29 relating to provisions specific to the national police or the national gendarmerie, the ethics that members must adhere to. «The police officer is held to the obligation of neutrality. He refrains, in the exercise of its functions, any expression or manifestation of his religious beliefs, philosophical or political, one can read. When it is not in service, he expresses himself freely, within the limits imposed by the duty of reserve and loyalty to the institutions of the Republic. Within the same limits, the representatives of the staff shall enjoy, within the framework of their mandate, a greater freedom of expression.» This last sentence, which leaves a relative freedom of speech to the reservist, has not managed to convince the cops of the merits of the claim of Francis Lalanne.

Why the national gendarmerie does not of Francis Lalanne

Non-Stop People – Francis Lalanne : why the police did not want him – to Watch on Figaro Live