«I am accused of facts which are not presented to me, of which my accusers-ices say that they are not criminally reprehensible, and which I cannot therefore defend myself since they refuse to hear me», explained Mr Bayou.
He will hold a press conference at 4 p.m. in Paris.
«This situation is untenable and the deleterious context seems to prevent any discernment, at a time when society is rocking and seeking the point of balance for this so necessary feminist revolution», he added, stressing that his decision «does not call back in question» nor his mandate as a Member of Parliament nor his «present and future commitment».
This resignation comes as environmentalists are shaken by accusations of moral harassment against Mr. Bayou, following testimony on a program a week ago by MP Sandrine Rousseau, who met her ex-girlfriend.
The environmental group in the National Assembly suspended Julien Bayou from his co-presidency on Tuesday. The former candidate of the Greens for the presidential Yannick Jadot had invited Mr. Bayou on Sunday to put himself «withdrawn» from the national secretariat of EELV.
The resignation of the secretary general also occurs the day after the rejection by the Greens of an internal referendum to simplify the organization and adapt EELV to the «conquest of power», which was supported by the party leadership, plunging the environmental training in the crisis.