Kadyrov told about your health

The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov said that he «absolutely healthy». Earlier, the «Novaya Gazeta» drew attention to the fact that the head of the region appeared at the meeting of the operational headquarters in Grozny with a catheter on hand. After the release of the material, Ramzan Kadyrov, has publicly commented on the availability of medical devices on hand, the newspaper notes. According to Kadyrov, the catheter need only in order to boost my immunity. «Even if I’m sick, there are millions of people infected with coronavirus, tens of thousands died, am I not a man? Do not have the right to get sick? You do not have the right to put in an IV and to raise immunity? I am absolutely healthy person,» said he live in Instagram, who spent his assistant, the Director of the channel «Grozny» Ahmed Dudaev. In his Telegram the head of Chechnya also wrote that «more than an hour answered many relevant questions… discussed the most pressing issues, dispelled rumors that filled the Internet space at the time of my absence during the weekend». «Most everyone was interested in one question. Answer: healthy,» he added. Earlier, the Agency «Interfax» citing a source «in the medical community,» wrote that Kadyrov was hospitalized in a Moscow hospital with suspected coronavirus.

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