
Watermelon, a refreshing and antioxidant-rich fruit

Watermelon comes in various varieties: red, pink, white, or yellow. This fruit is particularly beneficial for its high content of lycopene, an important carotenoid and powerful antioxidant found in its red flesh. Antioxidants help combat free radicals, which can damage our cells and harm our skin. Watermelon provides 38.90 kcal per 100g, fiber (0.5 g/100g), 4.26 mg of Vitamin C, 1220 µg of provitamin A (beta-carotene). It is also rich in l-citrulline, an amino acid that may help lower blood pressure.

In addition to these benefits, watermelon is a good source of Vitamin B9 (folic acid), with a high quantity of 36.9 µg. This is highly recommended for pregnant women. It also contains calcium (6 mg per 100g), magnesium (11 mg), and most importantly, potassium (100 mg) and phosphorus (9.7 mg). These substances are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system and the body in general. Watermelon also contains smaller amounts of zinc, selenium, manganese, iron, copper, iodine, and even sodium.

Watermelon as a dietary ally

Having watermelon juice before or after exercising is a great idea as it helps with recovery after physical activity. With 92% water content, watermelon is an excellent choice for those on a diet. Low in calories and not too sweet, it helps quench your thirst while providing essential vitamins and minerals. However, if you have sensitive intestines, be cautious.

Did you know that watermelon seeds are edible and provide a good source of Vitamin C? You can crush and chew them from time to time for added nutrition. It is best to opt for organic watermelon whenever possible. Additionally, you can make a beauty mask using the thin white layer inside the watermelon peel.

Our guest, Nathalie Cvetkovic, a nutrition advisor and trainer in Montpellier, recommends visiting for more information.