«I want it to happen as soon as possible,» replied Mr. Martinez when asked about the subject.

«The CGT was the first organization – and moreover is still the only one – to have parity in its management body, it has now been more than 25 years. But we have to take a new step, because if we want women take on responsibilities at all levels, moreover (…) we need signs like that,” he explained.

«It’s a new milestone for the CGT to recognize and give the place they deserve to women as leaders, and there are very great leaders at the CGT,» he insisted.

The CGT is holding its 53rd Congress from March 27 to 31, 2023 in Clermont-Ferrand. Philippe Martinez has not yet said whether he will run again.

Among those who could succeed him are sometimes cited Céline Verzeletti and Sophie Binet, both confederal leaders of the second French union.