Media: Gunman in police in Moscow has died in hospital

the Man shot by police in Moscow and wounded by return fire, died in hospital.

it is reported TASS citing a source in law enforcement bodies of the capital. According to a source, doctors were unable to save the arrow.

«Interfax» writes that the shooter had a bullet wound in the stomach, he died from loss of blood, without regaining consciousness. According to sources RBC, we are talking about visitor. from Ingushetia. According to the interlocutor of the edition, shooting converted into military weapons gas pistol Mr-79-9T opened a 25-year-old Ratmir gala. It, said the source, check in the databases of the interior Ministry and the FSB involvement in terrorist organizations and extremist.

we will Remind, earlier today it was reported that on Leninsky Prospekt in man shot inspectors of traffic police. According to preliminary data, the police stopped the car taxi to check, and from there shots rang out, the shooter was wounded by return fire.

the fact of shooting initiated a criminal case about infringement on life of police officers. Investigative actions directed on clarification of all circumstances of the incident.

the Gunman was under the influence of drugs. He jumped out of the taxi, ran to the police car, opened the door and fired. First, a man shot four times in a single policeman, seriously wounding him. Then — in partner of a policeman is already under detention. Retaliatory fire assailant was twice wounded in the stomach. Conducted searches at the place of registration attacked in Ingushetia, but also in a rented apartment in Moscow.

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