Media: JSC "10 SRZ" came DAEC

Murmansk DAEC began operational activities at the JSC «10 SRZ» (part of JSC «United shipbuilding Corporation»). As reported by APN, this information was confirmed and the plant and in the power Department. According to the Agency, the General Director of the plant Evgeny Zudin hid the fact from the state of employment of the subcontractors under the contract suitable for the execution of the state order, having them as full-fledged members of the workforce — permanent employees of JSC «10 SRZ». It was not conducted the required competitive procedures — tenders. «The Treaty were concluded without tenders, as required by the Federal law «On state defense order». In fact, access to defence contracts received by those companies that were selected personally by Zudin,» says APN and adds that as a result «it allowed the Zudin get profit and withdraw from the financial assets of the plant a significant amount of money». APN said that the contract with the plant on the provision of services by brigades from the Crimea, Astrakhan and other regions was of civil nature (GPC). However, at the signing of acts performed works in the military Department and to the head executor — JSC shipyard «Zvezdochka» — Evgeny Zudin wrote in the report documents the names of employees as full-time employees of JSC «10 SRZ». «Accordingly, the Treaty GPC with external firms Zudin concealed, as if the plant conducted independently without hiring a subcontractor,» the Agency says, adding that it «allowed him to transfer to the controlled use of contractors and different affiliated companies significant amounts of money factory». «So, alleged members of the staff «10 SRZ» received an additional accrual for payment for their services — for example, the coefficient for the work in the far North. SRH paid for their transportation by motor vehicles employedth JSC «PKF Sitecomp», as well as accommodation in hostels, which are rented from SSK, OOO», — writes mass media. While APN notes that in fact the agreement suitable, «which in fact were built relationships AO «10 SRZ» contract brigades» did not foresee such expenses. According to media sources, the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation as a result of these actions the damage for the sum more than 100 million rubles. In the case, indicates the APN, was involved as Deputy General Director Sergei Smirnov and the head of the main Builder Vladimir Vasilko. In the end, the losses borne by the enterprise itself. «The plant is forced at its own expense, to correct the deficiencies contractors. For this Zudin diverts a significant budget allocated to SRH for other public projects. Thus, the Ministry of defence generously pays for the fraud and the damage caused Sudonym defense complex,» writes the APN. The Agency adds that the actions of the Zudin can be qualified as embezzlement of budget funds in especially large size (article 159 and 160 of the criminal code) or as a damage to the state in especially large size without theft (article 165, part 2 of the criminal code).

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