Since the controversy surrounding the documentary Leaving Neverland, Michael Jackson never stops falling from its pedestal: statues déboulonnées, sales in decline, songs banned from the airwaves… The image of the king of pop may never face charges of sexual abuse and pedophilia of which it is the object.

» READ ALSO – Michael Jackson: the destruction of an icon

What is important, the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame has decided to keep the eternal king of pop in his pantheon. According to a press release reported by the magazine Pitchfork , the pantheon of pop music rock did not withdraw the objects to the memory of the singer of museum of Cleveland. One of the representatives told Pitchfork that «Michael Jackson has been inducted as a member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame with the Jackson Five in 1997 and then as a solo artist in 2001». «Like all the artists present here, it has been recognized for its musical excellence and its talent, and has been elected by a jury made up of historians, musicians and professionals of the music industry (…) there is no reason to change», he adds.

In the same vein, the heads of the museums Tussauds have recently stated that they do not think withdraw, for the time being, the thirteen statues of wax, the interpreter of Thriller , internationally.

Michael Jackson boycotted?

Since the release of the documentary Leaving Neverland , many celebrities, brands and institutions have called to boycott the king of pop. Some of the quebec radio stations have taken the drastic decision to no longer broadcast his songs on the airwaves. In the days that followed Leaving Neverland , the radio broadcast of the titles of the king of pop has also dropped by 13%.

«READ ALSO – How the French fans of Michael Jackson are leading the war against» Leaving Neverland

While he was on tour in the month of march, Drake has removed the song Don t Matter To Me of his set list. The title, which appeared in the album Scorpion in 2018, includes some vocal lines recorded by Michael Jackson in 1983. The creators of the Simpsons have decided to delete an episode, broadcast in 1991, in which «MJ» lent his voice to a character. The brand Louis Vuitton has even deleted references to the artist in its collection autumn-winter 2019-2020.