Prom for the students this year is to be held in face-to-face format. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation Sergey Kravtsov, reports RIA «Novosti».
He expressed the hope that «everything will recover.» «We plan a graduation for those who go from school, to be held in the usual all face-to-face format,» said Kravtsov.
we will Remind, earlier it was reported that the Ministry of education of the Russian Federation encouraged the regions to hold a school prom on 27 June. The format — online or offline — local authorities will be chosen taking into account the epidemiological situation of coronavirus, the Ministry said.
Part of the prom can be carried out in the regions, which on June 27 will be released on the third step of removing coronavirus restrictions. The holiday must be in strict compliance with all the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor. Also head to prom can be held in late July and August, when the end of the exam.
Also on 27 June, there will be a nationwide event, «Prom night» and the festival «Scarlet sails», which can be viewed online.
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