Moscow children in the summer send in a "virtual camp"

Organization of summer rest for children in Moscow will depend on the situation of coronavirus in the region, said the Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on social policy Inna Svyatenko.

According to her, in many regions it is recommended to postpone the beginning of summer health campaign on 1 July. However, the subjects can make their own decision depending on epigastralgia.

At the moment it is known that the camps will be canceled and parent days, and for the children and staff of the organisation pre-testing of the coronavirus.

first and foremost, it is necessary to organize leisure for children who are especially in need of sanatorium-resort treatment. The movement planned to build a «green corridors» in airports and railway stations in order to minimize contacts of children with strangers during the trip.

In Moscow, popular city program of summer educational vacation «Moscow change» for children from 7 to 14 years June—July have been cancelled. It can hold up in August if the situation will allow.

«the fact that Moscow has only just come out of the epidemic. And in such conditions to conduct educational classes for children would be with their hands to create pockets of spread of the coronavirus infection,» said Svyatenko.

it is Noted that in Moscow have thought about alternatives to traditional children’s camp. The city will be a virtual online camp: «Cyberlat-2020», «City of discoveries». The students in the form of a game will meet with the prospective professions and modern technologies: computer graphics and web design. May 18 opened a set in the «Cyberlite-2020» for young people aged 11 to 17 years, participated in the change free. Accepting applications is the portal

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