Museums in Russia open parkland from June 16

the Federal museums and museums-reserves open Park space for visitors from 16th of June. About it reports a press-service of the Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation.

«the Minister of culture of the Russian Federation Olga Lyubimova signed the order about renewal from June 16 to work open spaces museums and museums administered by the Ministry of culture of Russia», — stated in the message.

Access to parkland Federal agencies, including the exhibition under the open sky, should be organized taking into account requirements of sanitary-epidemiological security.

in Separate acts of the Ministry of culture of Russia can be set a different date of resumption of open spaces. For example, the State historical-architectural and ethnographic Museum-reserve «Kizhi» began receiving visitors on June 10.

In connection with the coronavirus visit parks in Russia previously closed.

In Russia for the last day of the coronavirus have been identified in the 8 thousand 779 people, according to the Information center to monitor the situation with coronavirus. During the day, died, 174 people. Recovered during this period 8 thousand 367 people.

in Total, Russia was the sick 436 502 thousand, 6 thousand 532 people died from the disease, 261 thousand 150 people discharged with recovery.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to