
Parents of young children have often experienced the struggle of searching through multiple pharmacies to find prescribed medication for their kids. To prevent a repeat of this scenario next winter, pharmacies are now required to use only one supply channel to obtain antibiotics for children, as announced by the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines (ANSM) on Tuesday. Specifically, pharmacies must now turn to wholesale distributors, their primary supply channel, instead of ordering directly from laboratories to get pediatric medicines containing amoxicillin and amoxicillin combined with clavulanic acid (Augmentin).

This measure, agreed upon «with all stakeholders in the supply chain,» aims to «promote equitable distribution of stocks in pharmacies across the metropolitan area,» explained the ANSM in a statement after convening the sector on July 11. The overseas departments and regions are not affected «due to the specificities of the supply chain.»

The issue of medicine shortages has been prevalent for several years and continued to disrupt the lives of the French population last year. In 2023, reports of stock shortages or risks of shortage increased by over 30% compared to the previous year, with nearly 5,000 reports submitted to the ANSM. In an effort to address this problem, stakeholders in the pharmaceutical sector signed a «charter» in November 2023, under the guidance of the ANSM, to ensure that medicines are distributed as «equitably» as possible throughout the country.

In response to the shortages of pediatric amoxicillin, the ANSM requested in December that manufacturers immediately make «the majority of their stocks» available to wholesale distributors. While the demand for amoxicillin is currently under control, there is still concern about insufficient stocks for the upcoming winter season, according to Fabrice Camaioni, vice president of the Federation of Pharmaceutical Unions of France (FSPF). Camaioni fully supports the requirement for pharmacies to use wholesale distributors and suggests extending these rules to other essential medications, such as antibiotics for treating whooping cough and asthma medication like Ventolin, which was hard to find in pharmacies in June.

The measure implemented for amoxicillin will be «reassessed in the fall,» announced the ANSM on Tuesday. This will help better prepare for medication needs during the winter epidemics. The aim is to ensure that parents do not face difficulties in accessing essential medications for their children in the coming months.