The money is flowing freely for Our Lady of Paris, and some seek to take advantage of them. The heritage Foundation has been alerted on Tuesday about a fraud coming from Italy. With a fake logo, the «Heritage Foundation», but with a true RIB, a mail ordered «friends of France» to make donations to a «symbol of our history.» Obviously, the site is fraudulent, and seeks to ride the wave of unprecedented generosity at the bedside of Our Lady. The Heritage Foundation should make a complaint.
The example is, unfortunately, not isolated to the point that the government has put in place a common portal, bringing together four institutions, and charitable foundations authorized to collect donations for Our Lady:
– Centre des monuments nationaux
-Foundation of Our Lady
-heritage Foundation
the Foundation de France
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«These platforms comply with several commitments, including to the payment in full of the amounts collected, the securing of payments or the transparency in the collection,» explains the ministry of Culture.
Since Monday evening, the donations flood in from all sides, and it is estimated that one billion euros have already been collected. The heritage Foundation, which harvest good year, bad year, 15 million euros to fund the restoration of heritage, displays on its website a record $ 141 million; of which 100 from the Total foundation and 11 individuals, including foreigners. Several large fortunes, including Bernard Arnault, François Pinault, Martin Bouygues, or Lily Safra have paid considerable sums of money, and businesses are not left out. This enormous stimulus has preceded the government’s announcement, made on Wednesday, as a subscription to the national, as if the civil society had been more quick to respond.
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There remains, however, that the State is also first in line. All donations, whether they are paid to authorized agencies, will be in part tax deductible. The government has just announced a gesture for the individuals who will benefit as a 75% tax rebate for donations up to 1000 euros and 66% thereafter. Side businesses, donations are deductible at 60 %. «We must congratulate ourselves for this generosity. But mechanically, all this is going to cost very dear to the State ultradéficitaire, and to the taxpayers,» says the member of parliament and member of the Finance committee, Gilles Carrez. Which suggests, in unison with the social networks: «And if the companies, at least the most wealthy, renounced to tax incentives, for the common good?». Wednesday morning, the family Pinault has announced that it will not assert the tax benefit for his donation of 100 million euros, in order to «do not bear the burden to taxpayers French».