
Obesity: Why France is Doing Better Than its Neighbors?

Obesity is a growing global issue and now affects 16% of the world’s population, according to a study published on March 1st in the scientific journal The Lancet. This study, conducted by the NCD Risk Factor Collaboration in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), provides interesting data on a global and national scale.

The study analyzed data from 220 million people over the age of 5, divided into two groups – those over 20 and those under 20 – across 190 countries. The study focused on Body Mass Index (BMI), which while not perfect on an individual level, provides a clear picture of obesity epidemiology on a national level.

The rates of overweight and obesity are alarming. Over the past thirty years, obesity rates have quadrupled in both young girls and boys, and more than doubled in adults. In contrast, underweight, a sign of undernutrition, has decreased by half. While this is positive news, there is still progress to be made for everyone to have access to a healthy diet.

One possible reason for France’s success in managing obesity could be its traditional agricultural practices. The country has a strong focus on fresh, locally sourced produce, which may contribute to healthier eating habits among its population. Additionally, the French approach to meals, with an emphasis on quality over quantity and enjoying food as a social activity, may also play a role in maintaining a healthy weight.

Furthermore, France has implemented various policies to promote healthy eating and physical activity. These include regulations on food advertising, initiatives to increase access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and programs to educate the public on nutrition. These efforts have helped raise awareness about the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise in preventing obesity.

While France is doing relatively well in managing obesity compared to its neighbors, there is still work to be done. Continued efforts to promote healthy lifestyles, improve access to nutritious foods, and educate the public on the risks of obesity are essential in combating this global epidemic. By prioritizing health and well-being, France serves as a positive example for other countries striving to address the challenges of obesity.