Nobody could have imagined that, four years after its creation, the work of Joël his plays and his troupe would take such bursts. Review, in a theatre in the Italian style, It will go (1) End of Louis, a show that is not, strictly speaking, the story of a party of the French Revolution, but which draws its subject matter, is indeed striking. This is a show powerful, who has matured. More than two hundred performances since the first of the end of the summer of 2015 today. In France and in the world.

«It’s going to go (1) End-of-Louis» is a show powerful, who has matured. More than two hundred performances since the first of the end of the summer of 2015 today. In France and in the world.

The fourteen actors have obviously gained in precision and fluidity. Everyone interprets several characters, minimum of four, and how staggering they are transformed and find the exact feeling of the scene, its correctness, force the admiration. They have a lot of work to do because the text is particularly difficult and requires a very high concentration. No replies simple, here, indeed, but thoughts organized, fragments of authentic texts, of the thought and not of the effects. Sometimes, however, words are exchanged that have the color psychological states of the protagonists: it is the queen’s the meaning of the formula and she does sometimes laugh, smile, despite the tragedy.

» READ – The great debate according to Joel, his plays

this same

But what amazes the most public, it is that beyond this artful weaving of the reality of the concerns and actions that refer to the Revolution and writing accessible, everything seems to speak of this even to France.

Joel his plays had limited its draft to the formula in the «present of the past». His set designer and master of the lights, Éric Soyer, has worked on a certain neutrality of the furnishings – tables, chairs – and a dynamic, highly energetic lighting. The room is often lit. The public in the discussions of the Assembly or of the neighborhood houses, in the face of the men and women in grey suits. There are the performers and the fifteen extras, very often in the room, who approve by clapping or huant… The soundtrack and the music (Daft Punk, Arno and others) are today. Everything contributes to make close to what is exchanged. And a portion of the audience believes, of course, hear the echoes of the claims of the «yellow vests». Of course, it is not to make of amalgam unwelcome. But this «present of the past» is. No doubt about it.

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we can see It will go (1) End-of-Louis is a chance. Jean Robert-Charrier, a young director of the Theatre of the Porte Saint-Martin, proves once more that he held a directory of high quality and is not afraid of risks. It offers a wide audience an opportunity to experience how the theatre is essential that together, makes you think, moves, opening lines. It is a very great art, of public service at the heart of one of the most beautiful and large private rooms in paris.

«It’s going to go (1) End-of-Louis». Theatre of the Porte Saint-Martin. 18, bd Saint-Martin (Xe). Tel.: 01 42 08 00 32. Opening hours: from game. at the sam. at 19 h, the sun. 17 h. Length: 4: 40 pm and cut: 1: 45, break 10 min; 1: 25 a.m., break 10 min; 1 h. Until 28 July. Seats: 25 to 45 €.

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