Frank Riester and Justin Trudeau have visited Our Lady of Paris on Wednesday morning, on the occasion of a visit of protocol of the canadian Prime minister. It was announced that Canada was willing to «offer all of the steel and the lumber you need». «You can count on us, your canadian cousins», he launched before the journalists in the courtyard of the cathedral.

» READ ALSO – Donations to Notre-Dame of Paris: the archbishopric of Paris sound the alarm

The minister of Culture requested that «the momentum continues» for donations, in spite of the «unilateral decision» of the heritage Foundation, one of the four platforms selected for gathering it, to stop its collection. «For the moment, it is premature to take a decision like that. The national drive continues with the two other foundations and through the Centre des monuments nationaux», has he hammered. «Even if the promise of gifts is today of 850 million euros, it is much too early to conclude that we have enough money or too much money to restore Notre-Dame», he said. «There may be a difference between pledges and the actual payout».

According to a count performed on may 9 by Anne Brugnera, rapporteur for the LREM project of law Notre Dame, 38 million euros have already been given in an effective way. The total amount of donations is, therefore, a little more than 883 million euros, pledges and donations numbers added together.

» SEE ALSO – the minister of culture, gave an update on the restoration of Notre-Dame (may 3, 2019)

Diagnosis still in progress

«We don’t have evaluations, because [neither] the diagnosis on the state of the places exact», neither the «measures of what will be the necessary work» is not completed, said the minister. He noted that it was necessary to take into account «expenses related to the consequences for the diocese of Paris in terms of organization and hospitality of the faithful in particular. It is an ephemeral structure for worship.

» READ ALSO – Notre-Dame: senators willing to fight against the law of exception

For the work, the securing of the vault «remains the most problematic issue», requiring «a lot of work, many days, many weeks». Works securities «are for the most part to the shelter, either in the Louvre or in a reservations specialist. Remain some of the works in the transept which you can’t access».

Asked about the ongoing investigation into the causes of the disaster, he stressed that»it is too early to conclude». Noting that «these are the robots that remove the rubble», he said that they will be «analyzed by the police,» in search of tracks.