This is the first time he has expressed in the press from police custody. This weekend, Pierre Palmade speaks in the columns of the World and Paris to promote his first autobiography, released on may 2, and his show, Troupe à Palmade , that he would follow up on Monday. In the two interviews, the comedian agrees to come back on his misadventure on April 10. That day, he had been placed in police custody with a young man of 19 who accused him of rape. It was out the same evening, his accuser having quickly «set off».

» READ ALSO – The custody of Pierre Palmade-held: no charge has been brought against the comedian.

«A story too,» he said in The World , caused, according to him, by his relapse into drugs. «After months of abstinence, I thought I would be in relief. But, that night, I was vulnerable, I drank again and I resumed the cocaine», he says before telling how it all began. «I had a bad encounter in a bar with a boy who had taken the same drugs and who agreed to come home with me. But, for the sake of our state, we tangled and I asked him to leave. He did not want, and told me: “Because it is like that, I’m going to destroy your career and tell that you had me drugged and violated.”, he continues. It has become crazy, has trashed my apartment. It ended up at the police station. Two hours later, in front of the police, he confessed to having lied. From my side, I recognized my taking cocaine». He said that he will have to pay a fine for his drug taking and confirm to be «in recovery».

«I want to get out of this disease unlawful»

Pierre Palmade in The World on April 27, 2019

today, Pierre Palmade he wanted to «get away from his demons». «This relapse brought me back to reality.It is a lesson. This leads to my addiction: a bad encounter with accusations delusional. Here, it is “Stone one cannot be able to nothing for you if you go back in there”. In Narcotics anonymous, it says: “there are three possible endings: the prison, the hospital or lamorgue.” It is necessary that I am, in life, very watchful. I don’t want to resume, I want to restore me, to leave this disease to be illegal. I turn the page of show business to do the job of a more peaceful», he says before concluding: «The problems of alcohol and drugs, I wish, I wish, I pray that they will be behind me».To combat his addiction, the actor, the 51-year-old has already done two courses of désintoxications. The first lasted for three days, the second three-week.

The great unpack continues in The Paris . Pierre Palmade gives the same details and sharing her desire to find love. «I am no longer able to pass from one boy to another… I have the house, the cats… I lack more than the companion. This is not an obsession, but I have gotten used to the solitude so that it is not normal to be single at this point». The man who was accused will be tried in October before the correctional court of Paris for «drug use» and «damage».

Non-Stop People – Pierre Palmade falsely accused of rape : comedian breaks the silence – Watch on Figaro Live