the United States will be the winner of confrontation with China, because Chinese authorities to repeat the mistakes of the Soviet Union, said Secretary of state Mike Pompeo.
Such errors Pompeo called «alienation of potential allies, the destruction of confidence within the country and abroad, the rejection of property rights and predictable rule of law».
During his speech at the presidential library of Richard Nixon in California, the state Secretary added that China, unlike the Soviet Union, «deeply integrated into the world economy», but noted that Beijing is more dependent on Washington than the other way around. Pompeo called the situation «a challenge that had not experienced» because of the USSR, in his words, was «cut off from the free world» and Communist China related.
He also noted that U.S. relations with China should be based on the principle «never trust and verify», contrasting it with the principle of «Trust but verify», which was used by U.S. President Ronald Reagan in dealing with the Soviet authorities.
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