Barbara , Leaves … It is thanks to these titles immutable as the general public knows Jacques Prévert. It also remembers the «terrible noise of the hard-boiled egg broken on the counter tin» or his famous «Our Father who is in heaven, stay there». That is to say, the diversity of his work but also the difficulty of the stage, and especially in music.

» READ ALSO – Prévert, super concert at the Rond-Point

here We find all the facets of the poetry of Prévert: its irony, its anti-clericalism visceral, its tenderness, this mockery that he sometimes has cold when he describes the poverty. Then in the perfect balance between music, theatre and declamation that the two actors have managed to find. Accompanied on stage by three excellent musicians, Yolande Moreau and Christian Olivier singing at full voice some key titles and with talent. But since it is not a concert, most of the texts are simply recited, sometimes on a background sound very sober, sometimes on true with musical interludes that underscore perfectly the musicality of the words of the poet, very committed.

A work «surreal, poetic and committed»

The fighting of Prévert against the power, the misery, the war, as his texts on love, written 50 years ago, have lost nothing of their meaning. Finally, some of the texts are actually played and staged as in a theatre. In short, a show of 1 hour and 20 minutes which is good. We laughed, we smiled – sometimes yellow – and we are amazed by the quality of the words that can be savored all the better thanks to the music and the lighting.

«I love all these aspects of his work surreal, realistic, poetic and committed,» says Yolande Moreau. She and Christian Olivier form a duo remarkable, a superb complementarity. Both, however, are from worlds very different: she made her debut in the Deschiens, he founded the group Heads stiff. They explain to have gathered Prévert everything they loved, «without guidance». At the end of the room, one feels the desire to prolong the pleasure. Why not visiting the Cité Véron, a small impasse of Montmartre, where Prévert and Boris Vian had each their workshop during the most beautiful days of their careers?

the Rond-point Theatre until 10 February and then to Epinal on 19 march in Lons-le-Saunier on the 20th, at Nevers on the 21, Caluire 22 and 23, Chenove April 3, at Bourg-en-Bresse 4 and 5, in the Door-les-Valences on the 23rd of may, in Grasse, on 24 and 25 may.