Published recommendations for the resumption of the work of museums: no organised groups of tourists and compulsory masks

Organized groups will be able to visit the museums after the lifting of all restrictions related to the spread of the coronavirus. It is reported TASS with reference to the recommendations of the CPS.

«there is No admission of tourist and tour groups and the implementation of agreements with tourism companies. Reception of tourist groups to resume after the lifting of all restrictive measures related to the new coronavirus infection,» States the text.

the visitors must be masked to comply with social distance. It is recommended to organize the sale of tickets online and conduct tours for groups composed of no more than five people.

Add the museums are closed in connection with the coronavirus. Along with the introduction of the regime of isolation is one of the measures to combat rasprostraneniem infection.

In Russia for the last day of the coronavirus have been identified in the 8 thousand 779 people, according to the Information center to monitor the situation with coronavirus. During the day, died, 174 people. Recovered during this period 8 thousand 367 people.

in Total, Russia was the sick 436 502 thousand, 6 thousand 532 people died from the disease, 261 thousand 150 people discharged with recovery.

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