Putin has allowed voting by mail and the Internet

President Vladimir Putin signed amendments to the law «On basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation».

the Document envisages the extension of the experiment on voting in distance learning format, including online or by mail.

Thus, in the Single voting day on September 13, the Russians will be able to vote at the digital voting stations. You will need to apply through the portal or the MFC.

the Law was published on the official Internet portal of legal information. A list of digital sites will adopt the CEC based on the proposals of the local election commissions.

Remote voting will be possible in elections to bodies of state power, local self-government, referenda. Under these options falls and voting for amendments to the Constitution, although its exact date is not yet known. One of the options is June 24, the sources of some media claimed that the elections can be held in one day with a Victory Parade.

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