Putin will not participate in the vaccine summit

Russian President Vladimir Putin will not participate in the online global vaccine summit. This was stated by Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov. «At the highest level of participation not provided», — quotes «Interfax» the words of Peskov.

earlier, Peskov said that Putin received an invitation from Prime Minister Boris Johnson to take part in the global vaccine summit. On the eve of the Ministry of health reported that, at the global vaccine summit will be attended by the Minister Mikhail Murashko.

Global summit on vaccine safety is an international forum devoted to the issues of vaccination. The previous summit was held in Geneva in December 2019 at the headquarters of the who. This year a similar event held by the Kingdom.

Mass vaccination of the population of the Russian Federation from the coronavirus can begin in the fall, said yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko. According to him, «now the work on a vaccine is under way». Authorities are «very excited» results. Chernyshenko noted that, according to experts, in case of success of mass vaccination can begin in the fall.

But, he stressed, all the «need to learn to live with given the risks of infection». Chernyshenko also said that the health care system of the Russian Federation sustained peak load, has a growing margin of safety. According to him, the situation with coronavirus in Russia has a tendency to stabilize.

Earlier it was reported that in the coming days, the defense Ministry will begin clinical tests of a domestic vaccine against a coronavirus COVID-19. For these purposes, selected 50 volunteers from among the military personnel, including five women. All of them have been testing for the past month they have not had anything.

the First group of volunteers will begin to survey and preparation for the experiment tomorrow, June 3, on the basis of the 48th Central research Institute The Ministry of defense.

Stories about how you tried to get help from the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to COVID-19@rosbalt.ru