lovers of dark novels, have for the past 15 years, the festival Quais du polar, which is being held this year from 29 to 31 march, which is dedicated to their genre of choice. History, French, foreign, dark or light or even comical, there is a polar for each player. The comic strip is not at rest, that the manifestation of lyon dedicates a price. Among the selected albums, this year, MW , the Japanese Osamu Tezuka editions Delcourt have had the good idea to come out in full on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the mangaka. The opportunity for Le Figaro to highlight the great masters of japanese genre.

● My Home Hero


Tetsu Tosu, a young father fond of detective novels, he discovers that his daughter is the victim of a yakuza boss. The latter then leads to his investigation and discovers that this rogue violent, has already killed two of his previous girlfriends. He decided to accomplish the unthinkable in order to protect his daughter. Adoubée by Maxime Chatham, this series puts in scene an anti-hero engaging in a Japan realistic. Closer to Dexter than a Sherlock Holmes, this thriller brings readers to ask themselves moral questions far from black and white hollywood. The dimension hyper-realistic of a person ready to do anything to protect his family convinced Grégoire Hellot, editorial director of éditions Kurokawa to import this manga in France.

My Home Hero, éditions Kurokawa, 7,65€

How will react, Tetsu Tosu seeing the wounded face of her daughter? My Home Hero 2017 Naoki Yamakawa / Masashi Asaki / Kodansha Ltd.

● Monster


Is it necessary to present again the sacred monster of the polar nippon? This thriller dark written by Naoki Urasawa, brings to the stage a chase between a psychopath and the doctor who saved her life, situated in a political context, real in Germany, before and after the fall of the wall. His stroke of a finesse impeccable close to the Franco-Belgian (he claims to be of the school of Moebius), allied to a staging thrilling, which keeps the reader in suspense throughout the manga, is sublimated by the authentic character of its characters. The author captures perfectly the air of the time, placing the man in the face of deep existential questions. A must of the genre.

Monster Full Deluxe, edition Kana, 15,90€

● Noise


In Japan, as in France, the rural exodus meant the death of small villages. Keita, a young farmer, refuses this fate. Thanks to his skill as a nurseryman, it develops a new species figs. Censed by a youtubeur gastronome, figs Keita has become a real phenomenon. The economic viability of the village is no longer in question. However, its tranquility is going to be put to the test with the arrival of Mutsuo Suzuki, a repris de justice to the sinister-looking…Tetsuya Tsuitsui, accustomed to thrillers, urban, change of scenery and invites the readers into a closed country. Two volumes of the triptych are already available in France.

Noise, editions Ki-oon, 7,90€

The world of Noise, far from any manichaeism shows that the reality is often filled with grey area… © Tetsuya Tsutsui / Ki-oon

see also: crime novels favourite of the book club of Figaro

● Re:Load


Shôkichi Inui, a former cop fired for violence is found in spite of him having to defend the girl of its neighbours, Makoto, being hunted by the mafia. The little girl, innocent and alien to this world will make him understand that protecting is more difficult than to destroy. A voyage of initiation in which the adult learns as much as the child. Complete story in three volumes, Re: Load is part of the lineage of the thrillers dark, such as Leon , a perfect world and most recently Candy & Cigarettes

Re:load, éditions Doki Doki, 7,50€

Shôkichi Inui did not hesitate a second to apply «his» justice. How far will his thirst for justice? © Takumaru Sasaki 2016 / Nihonbungeisha

● Inspector Kurokôchi


The inspector of the second brigade of investigation of Tokyo, Keita Kurokôchi has a bad reputation. Everyone sees it as a cop is corrupt without scale. It is the portrait of all that hate Shingo Seike the young blue who has just arrived. To her greatest misfortune, he became the teammate of Kurokôchi. Very quickly, the young Shingo will find that there are more in this inspector corrupt than a simple desire to enrich… The inspector Kurokôchi is a follower of the saying «fight evil with evil» and did not hesitate to resort to the worst methods to achieve his ends. This series of 23 volumes – of which 20 are published in France – it was written by Takashi Nagasaki (co-writer of Billy Bat and Master Keaton to the sides of Naoki Urasawa) and illustrated by Koji Kono alternates with the brilliance of the stories, the machiavellian and the humor. A story that spares no one.

Inspector Kurokôchi, editions Komikku, 8,50€

Shingo Seike, the rookie is not at the end of its surprises with the inspector Kurokochi. His partner is the symbol of a font to the old one, without consideration for the settlement. © Takashi Nagasaki, Kôji Kôno 2015

● Sherlock Holmes

Isan Manga

it is Impossible to make a selection of crime fiction without mentioning the archetype of the private detective Sherlock Holmes, version manga. The first volume contains the stories A study in red , The Ribbon speckled and Gloria Scott . Find the meeting between Holmes and Watson, but also the first survey of the bloodhound still a student. This luxury edition is the perfect bridge between the book and the manga. In the reading direction French the reader will find new original of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, and in the sense of reading japanese, it will replay japanese. A treat.

Sherlock Holmes, editions Isan Manga, 29,90€

The first survey of Holmes, assisted by Watson. The resolution was already elementary for the great detective. ISHIMORI PRO INC./KUMON PUBLISHING CO., LTD.

Quai du Polar, Lyon, france, from 29 to 31 March, 2019