Russia was the first drug for the treatment of coronavirus

Drug «Aviewer» for the treatment of patients with coronavirus have received the approval of Ministry of health of Russia.

the First was in Russia, the preparation of direct antiviral action also has the international nonproprietary name — «Favipiravir».

As reported on the website of the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF), 2014 the drug was used in Japan against severe forms of influenza and have shown their effectiveness during the clinical trials against COVID-19.

the Final stage of clinical studies of the drug involving 330 patients continues in leading medical and research centers, including the First Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov and MSU. M. V. Lomonosov.

According to media reports, «Aviewer» can arrive in the Russian hospital on June 11. Implementation will occur in contracts with health facilities, so the drug will not be available for sale.

Recall the results of the first stage efficiency «Favipiravir» against coronavirus amounted to above 80%. So, 68% of patients taking the drug, the temperature returned to normal on the third day (the control group only on the sixth day). On average, the release of the body from the virus by taking «Favipiravir» took place over four days and in the group of standard therapy — 9 days.

According to the latest data, the number of people infected with coronavirus in Russia has reached almost 400 thousand have died about 4.5 thousand people.

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