LE FIGARO. – When have you experienced Johnny Hallyday for the first time?
Bruno MAGRAS. – in The mid 70’s. He had come to the island with his buddy Joe Dassin on board the sailing on Friday the 13th. At the time, I was a driver, I had a small plane and I was going to always search for Gilbert Bécaud in Saint-Martin when he came to rest in New York city at the hotel Baie des Flamands. It is in this hotel that I met Johnny for the first time. I saw then in the mid-2000s when he bought a property here. We became friends and I was going to dinner at his home at the Villa Jade each of his stays. He was very curious about the past and the future of the island. As I am also a guitar player, the current going well. Two years before his death, he told me that he wanted to be buried in the cemetery of Lorient facing the sea. I thought it was a joke. I then spoke to several times, but do not buy the concession. The last time I …
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