Scientist warned of the mortal danger of hasty vaccination

head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and immunology, First Moscow state medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, academician Vitaly Zverev said, which can lead to haste in the development of vaccines against coronavirus.

At the request of Public news service, academician commented on the plans of the Ministry of health to begin clinical trials of a vaccine against coronavirus in two weeks.

As told by the beast, without thorough confirmation of the safety of the vaccine the threat of its use may be fatal, as in vaccination healthy people are injected pathogens.

In such a short time to verify the reliability and effectiveness of the vaccine is simply impossible, and therefore, mass vaccination cannot be started.

In this respect, Zverev reminded about several tragic examples of the use of vaccines against polio and fever Dang, when people were infected and hundreds have died.

«we Must be very careful to approach this. The infection is not so terrible, to have to do something in a hurry and doing wrong,» the scientist concluded.

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