Jarvis Cocker loves Europe. He was appointed in 2010 ambassador of the Eurostar and took part in several advertising campaigns, to highlight the mix of cultures that allow these trips under the English Channel. For the past several months, the singer of the band Pulp, the figure of the british pop, has become a contempteur tireless output of the United Kingdom of the European Union. To such an extent that it publishes on November 27, a collection of two speeches held in 2017 in which he debunked the Brexit.

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Titled Good Pop, Bad Pop – an allusion to the technique of interrogation «good cop, bad cop» – the book is published by Rough Trade Publishing, the publishing house associated with the music label of the same name. This is Jarvis Cocker has announced the opening of pre-orders on his account Instagram, explaining with humor that while the book deals with the Brexit, it is necessary not to «be deterred» by this sensitive topic.

If the publisher does not specify what texts are chosen, the intervention of Jarvis Cocker to The «Convention» of Westminster, the 12 of may 2017 had attracted the attention. During two days of debate on Brexit and the current policies of the western democracies that brought together personalities from the political and civic life, the singer had long expressed its disagreement with the policy of Theresa May. Building his speech around a phrase that recurred like a refrain: «We’re all building walls they should be bridges», «we are only building walls, which should be bridges.»

Emblazoned with the Union flag, Jarvis Cocker has also been seen défialnt with the militant anti-Brexit in march 2017 in London. More recently, on October 8, he affixed his signature, alongside those of the singers Ed Sheeran, Damon Albarn and the singer Rita Ora, in the bottom of an open letter sent to Theresa May.

«We dominate the market [of the music], and our groups, singers, musicians, writers, producers, engineers working across Europe and the world, and vice versa Europe and the world come to us», reminded the signatories. Requiring a «second vote», they said they were deeply concerned about the consequences of Brexit on the british music, who risk finding themselves «locked in a prison of culture».

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Very proud to say that this pamphlet is now available via @roughtradebooks & mail order. It concerns Br**it – but please don’t let that put you off. #roughtradebooks #goodpopbadpop #fuckbrexit

A publication shared by @ jarvisbransoncocker the 8 Nov. 2018 at 3 :56 pm PST

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Good cop, bad cop , the blue blanket surrounded by a yellow – reminiscent of the colors of the european flag – is sold at a price of 7.99 £ – about ten euros. Jarvis Cocker became one of the leading voices to support a new referendum, despite the opposition of the prime minister, determined not to go back on his draft agreement of Brexit concluded Tuesday 13 November in Brussels.