happy Father, quarantenaire blossomed and regularly to the cinema… everything is going well for Oscar Isaac. To the poster of Triple frontier alongside a prestigious cast consisting of Ben Affleck, Pedro Pascal, Charlie Hunnam and Garrett Hedlund, the actor was asked to talk about this new film, available today on Netflix, for Today, on the american channel NBC News. Once the bonds «netflixiennes» of the past, the actor who blew out its 40 candles on the 9th march last has been questioned by the journalist who received, about one of the films most anticipated of the year: Star Wars 9 .

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The film of J. J. Abarams, including the filming was completed a few weeks ago, out in the room at the end of the year. However, limited by what he can tell, and especially don’t say, Oscar Isaac has confirmed information revealed this summer: the feature film will mark «the end of the saga of the Skywalker», which transports fans from several generations, since 1977.

«Nine films, weakens the actor was impressed by the saga that has spanned the ages. It is a culmination. What J. J. [Abrams] with all the team of Lucasfilm is extremely rewarding. It is always special for us, because we learn more things about these characters.»

Carrie Fischer, an absence is always difficult to fill

Oscar Isaac is then returned to the painful absence of Carrie Fischer, who died in the winter of 2016, is still alive on the screen, in the skin of the mythical Leia Organa.

«We thought a lot about it, said the actor. His spirit is with us [in the film]. His daughter, Billie Lourd, has returned to shoot some scenes. His spirit was with us, and it has failed,» says the actor of guatemala.

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If it has not been recreated digitally for the purposes of the ‘Episode 9 , which still has no title, the actor will be present, in flesh and bones, as confirmed by J. J. Abrams this summer.

«We could not see how to find a satisfactory conclusion to the saga of Skywalker without it. And it was out of the question recaster or use a character in digital special effects. With the help and blessing of his daughter, Billie Lourd, we have found a way to honor the legacy of Carrie and Leia in the ‘Episode IX , sequences using the original l ‘Episode VII we had tours together,» wrote the director in a press release.

Star Wars: Episode 9 , directed by J. J. Abrams with Oscar Isaac (Poe Damron), Carrie Fisher (Leia Organa), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), John Boyega (Finn) and Daisy Ridley (Rey), in the dining hall on 19 December 2019.