State Department: Russia prints fake money for Libya

the Russian state enterprise «Goznak» «printed a fake Libyan money up to $1.1 billion». With such accusations against Russia made by the US Department of state.

The U.S. commends Malta’s seizure of $1.1 billion of counterfeit Libyan currency printed by a Russian state-owned company & ordered by an illegitimate parallel entity; highlighting the need for Russia to cease its malign & destabilizing actions in #Libya.

— U. S. Embassy — Libya (@USAEmbassyLibya) May 29, 2020

In a statement published on the official website of the state Department, noted that the order for the production of the money came from «illegitimate authority». Fake Libyan money allegedly found the security service of Malta.

the state Department stressed that the Libyan Central Bank in Tripoli is the only legitimate Bank in the country. The statement also noted that «the inflow of fake Libyan currency printed in Russia, exacerbated the economic problems of Libya.» «Russia must stop destabilizing the situation in Libya» — called at the state Department, adding that the U.S. is ready to cooperate with the UN and international partners to prevent activity that undermines the sovereignty and stability of the Libyan state.

Recall that in the Libya national army (LNA) under control of the Caliph Haftarot has been fighting against the internationally recognized Government of the national consent (NTC) under the leadership of Faiz Saraga based in Tripoli. Russia supports the General Haftarot, which controls much of the territory of Libya. The day before Moscow was accused of transfer to this country of 14 modern MiG-29 and su-24 to support the Russian mercenaries. Russia denies the charges.

Stories about how you tried Paulto teach the help of the Russian state in terms of coronaries and what came of it, email it to