The platform of video games, Steam will not distribute Rape Day (the «date rape» in French), which enables us to put ourselves in the shoes of a rapist, after an outcry against this game. Steam should start distributing in April, Rape Day – in which players rape and kill women – has taken this decision because of its possible effects are «unknown» and «risky», said on Thursday the american company Valve, which owns the platform, considered the most important in the genre.

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«We respect the desire of the developers (of games) to express themselves, and the mission of Steam is to () help to find an audience, but this developer has chosen a topic and a way to illustrate that make this task very difficult for us,» said the group, that was last year already had to remove a game controversial, Active Shooter , which featured a school shooting.

«Check the choice of a killer and serial rapist that prowls around during a zombie apocalypse»: that was the description of the game visible on Steam before being removed, according to the specialized press. «Harass them verbally, kill and rape women to advance in the story. It is a dangerous world without rules. The zombies love to eat the flesh of humans and violate them with brutality, but you are the rapist’s most dangerous city», one can read in the promotional text.

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The prospect of the release of Rape Day has sparked a number of reactions outrageous on social networks, while several petitions to prevent it have been launched, one of them bringing together nearly 8,000 signatures on The deputy british Hannah Bardell, has qualified for his share in this game of «twisted». «The content of this game is totally perverse,» she said Thursday in a press release. «It is time that the british government look closely at the way in which the technological companies and platforms of games -Steam in particular – can (broadcast) without a problem, this kind of stupidity», she continued.

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the developer of The game, which is called Desk Plant, says it is a black comedy intended for «4% of the population who are sociopaths», and that people are able to distinguish between fiction and reality, according to comments that appeared on Steam before being removed. He also promised to find an alternative distribution platform.