«They must not remain isolated, with their difficulties: the message is really to address the Crous who can offer this meal for scholarship students, but also for all students in precariousness», said the minister on Sud Radio.

Students who cannot afford to eat will be able to claim this meal until Christmas without income criteria. Then, their file will be «studied» by the Crous to find out if this rate can continue to be offered to them.

Asked about the reduction in the quantities of the meals of certain Crous which students have complained about, in Rennes in particular, the minister assured that there was «no question of cutting corners on the portions».

«There is no question of having students who go to class on an empty stomach, the director general of the Crous has sent very clear messages», she assured, acknowledging that there could «be supply difficulties.

The state fully compensates for the one-euro meal to finance the price difference: “It costs him 50 million euros in 2023,” said the minister.

Since taking up her post, Ms. Retailleau has taken other measures to deal with student precariousness such as the increase in APL, the revaluation of scholarships, or the freezing of Crous rents.

«We are aware that it is not enough,» she admitted. She recalled having launched «a national and territorial consultation to see what is the best model to respond to student precariousness».