the State spends enough money on improving the living conditions of persons with disabilities, said the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation.
According to the Ministry, at the current rate of funding to eliminate the waiting list for improved housing conditions, consisting of more than 100 thousand people, with the right help, will take at least 20 years.
According to the Agency, the pace at which the assistance is so low that in many cases disabled people «simply do not have time to exercise their right to housing». It is noted that the number of disabled people, deregistered due to death, loss of status or self-housing solutions far exceeds the number receiving state support.
According to the Bulletin of the office on this topic, in 2018, the state received 3% of the waiting list, and lost the right for improving housing about 25%, in 2019 this ratio was 6% and 12%.
SP emphasizes that the main problem is the lack of financial resources: in 2014, the need of the regions in the Federal budget received on average by 5%. The result for the year was provided housing from 3 to 6% of the waiting list.
In SP noted that the constant increase in the country’s terms of housing, social housing practically built. Also stresses that most of the housing Fund of Russia is not adapted for disabled persons.