This is without doubt the ascent the more unlikely of the political history of the american. Dick Cheney (played by Christian Bale transformed), alcoholic and lazy in his youth, has been propelled to the head of the United States in becoming the influential vice-president of George W. Bush.

director Adam McKay delivers a political film bitter about the one who has played a major role in the onset of the u.s. invasion of Iraq. Portrait of a caricature or satire is well thought out? Vice divided, as always, Jean-Christophe Buisson and Gregory Leménager.

» READ ALSO – Vice : a Dick Cheney massif

For Gregory Leménager of The Obs , Adam McKay paints a picture to load extremely successful, using a sense of humor to Monty Python. Everything is excessive. There is its strength. This satire allows, in particular, to denounce the disaster induced by the policy intervention american for fifteen years. A salutary reminder.

Should we believe this shows that Vice ? Jean-Christophe Buisson’s le Figaro Magazine doubt it. George W. Bush is portrayed as an alcoholic idiot and Dick Cheney as the only one responsible for the invasion of Iraq and, in consequence, of global geopolitics that have led to the birth of the islamic State. The democrats, meanwhile, are all gentiles. A replay too manichean, that borders on propaganda anti-republicans.