the Doctor-gastroenterologist Alex buyeverov told what kind of food and drinks is better to take with you while traveling by train in the summer.
According to Professor of the Department of medico-social examination, emergency and outpatient therapy of the First Moscow state medical University. Sechenov, food for train journey should not be perishable.
He advises to bring vegetables, fruit, bread, hard cheese, meat products as canned or smoked sausage. «In General, what you home store without refrigeration, you can take the train,» explained the doctor, reports the Agency «Moscow».
Specialist advice is on the train just as the emergence of feelings of hunger. «Snacking «for the company» do not suggest is the path to obesity. In a pinch, you can eat fruit or vegetables instead of candy, cookies or chocolate,» — said buyeverov.
Also the physician recommends that the travelers on the trip to drink plain water or tea without sugar and not to take dairy products.
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