The EAO criminal case for infecting prisoners COVID-19

In the Jewish Autonomous region (EAO) against the Medical correctional institution No. 2 filed a criminal case for infecting the inmates and employees of the coronavirus. It clarifies the press service of the Investigative Committee for the Khabarovsk territory and the Jewish Autonomous region, the case was brought under two articles: «Negligence» and «Infringement sanitary-epidemiological rules». According to preliminary information, in LIU-2 «revealed violations of requirements of sanitary-epidemiological legislation», which contributed to the spread of the coronavirus among staff and prisoners. Currently, the facility is quarantined. Earlier it was reported that the regional Prosecutor’s office found signs of crimes in actions of the management of LIU-2 and SIZO No. 1 in Birobidzhan. The press service confirmed that the material checks LIU-2 has already passed in the UK to solve the question on excitation of criminal case. Check in the detention center of Birobidzhan is still ongoing.

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