The import of palm oil in Russia soared

the Import of palm oil and its fractions in Russia increased in March 2020 from 49.2% yoy (after falling of 44.2 in February) to 86.9 thousand tons. Such data results the Federal service of state statistics.

compared To the previous month, this indicator increased in the reporting period by 32.1%.

in January—March this year, the import of palm oil declined at an annual rate of 28.1% to 231 thousand tons.

last year, the country imported 1,061 million tons of palm oil, which is 0.1% higher than the volume for the same period of the previous year.

Recall that from October 1, 2019, the rate of value added tax (VAT) for palm oil has risen from 10% to 20%. As noted in the state Duma, the abolition of the 10% preferential rates will further replenish the Federal budget of 4.5−5 billion annually.

reduced VAT rate for palm oil was introduced by decree of the RF government dated 31 December 2004, which were approved by the foodstuffs and goods for children, taxable on the added value by a tax rate of 10%.

However, as announced in mid-July, 2019, the Chairman of the lower house of Parliament, Vyacheslav Volodin, in the state Duma before the adoption of the law «discussed the complaints of citizens about the inadmissibility of widespread use in food products palm oil». «According to people, it reduces the quality of the food, and sometimes harms the health», — said the speaker.

moreover, in October it became known that the Board of the Eurasian economic Commission (EEC) has asked the government to amend the legislation of the Customs Union the rules on the content of harmful substances in vegetable oils. The corresponding decision of the Chairman of the EEC Board Tigran Sargsyan signed August 6, 2019. Discuss changes in the legislation of the EEU will affect the import, production and pererabotkiand, in particular, palm oil.

it Was proposed to amend the technical regulations on food safety standards «glycidyl ethers of fatty acids in terms of glycidol and 3-monochloropropane». The permissible level of content of these esters in vegetable oils, enshrined in the uniform sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements to goods shall not exceed the regulations in force in the European Union 1 mg/kg, reported RBC.

As specified by the Executive Director of the Association of producers and consumers of oil and fat products (APMP) Ekaterina Nesterova, glycidyl esters are in all vegetable oils, but due to the specific composition of palm oil during the processing, the risks of formation of these pollutants more — to 10.52 mg/kg. For comparison, in olive oil and 4.1 mg of glycidyl ethers to 1 kg, sunflower oil — by 2.1 mg/kg, which, however, also above the established norms in the EU.

Meanwhile, palm oil is used by confectioners, bakers, manufacturers of milk products, reminds a press-the Secretary of the Association of producers and suppliers of food products Rusprodsoyuz Irina nagaytseva.

She explains the popularity of palm oil in the food industry a number of its advantages compared to other vegetable oils: it has a neutral taste and smell, solid structure and does not require hydrogenation, in which more liquid forms of oil hazardous to health TRANS fatty acids.

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