A television is turned. In the night from Sunday to Monday, the very last episode of the series, medieval fantasy Game of Thrones will be released, after eight years of power struggles between the families Stark, Lannister, and Targaryen. Names that resonate now powerfully with the general public, since the series has managed to conquer a large fan base, well beyond the fans of dragons and undead.

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The knight-errant Dunk is the lesson of the Egg, his squire. ©2017 by George R. R Martin – ©Dargaud 2019

Before being adapted by HBO, Game of Thrones was a cycle of fantasy novels of G. R. R. Martin published in 1996 under the name today is highly evocative of A Song of Ice and Fire ( The iron Throne in French). Five volumes in seven have been published, but several chronic and short stories complement the abundant universe of the author. The comic strip The Knight-errant adapts Dragon Egg , the third new dedicated to the knight-errant Dunk and his young squire, Aegon Targaryen, brother of Aemon Targaryen, the future mestre for the night Guard to Châteaunoir. It can be read as a one-shot.

eighty-six before the start of the Game of Thrones , Dunk and Egg – the nickname of Aegon Targaryen, who shaves the head to conceal the hair characteristic of her family – invite to the wedding of Ambrose Beurpuits, lord of Conflans, and former Hand of the king. The opportunity to enjoy the banquet and earn a bit of money because, in the aftermath of the celebrations, a tournament with jousting equestrian is organized. The first prize? A dragon egg! But there is eel under rock. On-site, many of the knights belong to houses that have supported Daemon Feuynor during his rebellion against king Daeron II, a few years ago.

That would be a tournament without a jousting horse? ©2017 by George R. R Martin – ©Dargaud 2019

Discover this Knight-errant aroused sensations similar to those felt at the beginning of Game of Thrones , novel or TV series. In effect, it is necessary to try to find among the many characters, to grasp the nature of their relationships, understanding of complex family trees… One has the impression to discover a small part of a gigantic world to the centuries-old history. It is sometimes confusing, but also challenging, even to seek clarification on the night Guard, online encyclopedia dedicated to the iron Throne .

The part of the wedding and jousting equestrian we also refers to the first volumes (or the first seasons) of the saga, at the time when the dragons of Daenerys were still in Essos, and where Walkers white remained trapped on the other side of the Wall. A reminder that the intrigues between nobles are the cement of the universe, which notably inspired by the curse Kings of Maurice Druon. A sweet nostalgic fragrance is emerging from this adventure more medieval than fantastic.

The box BD Separation by a string of balloons, differences of scale, in the first or in the background… This box shows a certain inventiveness. ©2017 by George R. R Martin – ©Dargaud 2019

The graphic style of the Knight-errant may be confusing to readers of BD franco-belge. The opportunity to remember that two Americans are at the helm of this adaptation: the writer Ben Avery, whose first professional project was to adapt comics The Adventures of Dunk and Egg , and the artist, Mike S. Miller, who has worked for Marvel, DC as well as on an adaptation of Wheel of time , another great fresco of fantasy signed Robert Jordan.

even More than the representation of faces or decoration, it is the staging of the action that reflects the best of the original Atlantic of this comic.

The above extract demonstrates the ability of the authors to tell a flash-back very picked up, without sacrificing the understanding and readability. In the top left corner, ser Uthor Enverfeuille addresses the knight-errant Dunk, «stuck» in the lower right corner. Several techniques allow us to clearly distinguish between each of the five pictures that illustrate the words of the monologue: separation by a string of balloons, differences of scale, in the first or in the background, the effect of transparency, lack of lighting…

The player is free to wander his gaze from the text to the drawings, at its own pace. While most of the pages of the comics are cut usually rectangular, sometimes slightly overlapping, this board shows a certain inventiveness.

For those who would like to learn more about Dunk and Egg, the three new G. R. R. Martin concerning them have been compiled in a single volume: the Chronicles of knight-errant (in Pygmalon and I’ve read).

The world of Game of Thrones comics

The iron Throne

Game of Thrones , published by Dargaud, in six volumes (corresponds to the first two books in French, or season 1 of the TV series)

A Clash of Kings , unpublished in France

The Adventures of Dunk and Egg

The Knight-errant (The Hedge Knight in VO) , published by Milady Graphics

The Sworn Sword , unpublished in France

The Knight errant (The Mystery Knight in VO) , published by Dargaud, not to be confused with the first volume, which bears the same name in French

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