The mayor explained the rules of walking in Moscow

Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin explained when and under what conditions the public to get out of the house for walks and sports. He wrote about this in his blog. So, Monday the residents, including the elderly over 65 years of age and citizens with chronic diseases can get out of the house for walks and sports. With the exception of «the Charge» for free visits will be reopened the city’s parks and green spaces, said the mayor. However, the rides in the parks will not work. Will also remain closed and children’s playgrounds. He stressed that the increase in the number of people on the streets and in parks increases the risk of infection with coronavirus, in order to prevent it, it will allow a mask mode and set certain rules walking. According to Sobyanin, the «walking mode» is entered in the experiment — for two weeks, from 1 till 14 Jun 2020. So, on the walk can reach almost all citizens, including Muscovites over the age of 65 and citizens with chronic diseases. While still forbidden to leave the house those citizens, who suffer COVID-19 or with suspected coronavirus infection, but also with signs of SARS and living together with them people. To stay home also, should the citizens, obliged to observe the regime of self-isolation by order of sanitary inspector (for example, after returning from abroad). Sobyanin added that no permits for walking in the fresh air and sports are necessary. «During a pandemic it is impossible to prevent large gatherings of people. So I had to set a specific schedule of walking,» explained the mayor. So, exercise in the fresh air without restrictions every day — but only before 9:00 am. On a casual walk you can go from 9:00 to 21:00, but not more than 3 times a week — 2 times on weekdays and 1 time in the output denb. The mayor said that the schedule «walking days» for the residents of each house will be published on MOS.RU the Internet-portal «Yandex» and in mobile applications. At the same time to walk and exercise in any urban open spaces — courtyards, parks, squares, streets and natural areas, but with a few restrictions. For example, it is recommended to limit the radius of 2 km walk from the residence. But in the case where a large number of people access the urban areas may be limited. If a Park will come too many people, the administration has the right to suspend access, said Sobyanin. He said that, going for a walk, everyone will be able to get information about the workload of a specific area and decide whether to go there or choose another route. The information will be published on the Internet portal «Yandex». Being on the street, should respect social distance, warned the mayor. Maintains a ban on the use of elements of urban infrastructure — benches, arbors, children’s playgrounds and any other objects, the touching of which can cause transmission of infection to others. Sobyanin stressed that during walks and sports is forbidden to use public transport and all types of vehicles equipped with an engine. However, it is not forbidden to bring bicycles, scooters (including electric), roller skates, skateboards, Nordic walking and any other personal sports equipment. With regard to the need to carry documents, Sobyanin said: «the observance of the rules of the walk will be selectively monitored by the police and administrative-technical inspection. To avoid misunderstanding, please have a proof of residence at a specific address (passport, certificate on the ownership, lease agreement, etc.). Take a walk on the originals is optional, can be limited copies, or screenshots on your smartphone». «The new rules of walking may seem overly complex. I from them not in delight. But claiming these rules, we wanted to solve three problems simultaneously. First, to give the chance to Muscovites not just «run out for half an hour» of the house, and to make a full long walk. Secondly, I wanted to do without introducing yet another variety of digital badges. And, thirdly, to avoid the accumulation of a large number of people and, thus, the risk of new infections with coronavirus,» explained the mayor.

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