In the small world of international specialists of Caravaggio, Mina Gregori is the personality the most well respected. But at 94 years old, this Italian who has spent most of his life to trying to unravel the mysteries of the tub as master of the chiaroscuro sees his authority challenged. The one who was a pupil of the great attribuationniste Roberto Longhi (1890-1970) – she succeeded him at the head of his Foundation studies in art history in Florence – was moved Tuesday in Paris at the Musée Jacquemart-André, to see, within the exhibition on the roman years of Caravaggio, two Magdalene in ecstasy . Two paintings, as pious as erotic, properties of european collectors, and for the first time shown side-by-side. The two portraits are almost the same. A pure enigma…

The Italian Mina Gregori, in front of la Madeleine, called the «Klein» (left) and Madeleine «Gregori» exhibited at the Musée Jacquemart-André. Private Collection

The first of these Madeleine is considered to be long-standing as the prototype of a score of copies and ancient versions. In 2015, however, Mina Gregori has discovered the second and …

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