antique Furniture, design, tapestries, silver, gilding, precious fabrics: the Mobilier national, misunderstood and criticized by a recent report of the Court of auditors, has decided to make available on the internet, its priceless heritage.

Its new platform MN-Lab (which includes the Mobilier national but also the manufactures des Gobelins, de Beauvais et de la Savonnerie, which are under its authority) is now available to all, 78.000 records of objects and 25,000 photographs, has announced a press release. Hervé Lemoine, director, stressed the interest of a project, which makes available «the collection is unique in the world of a garde-meuble of exception».

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The project falls within the framework of the program of entrepreneurs of general interest», launched by the president and Emmanuel Macron in 2016, and «to establish each year a promotion of talents in digital to meet challenges that are of general interest charged by the authorities for ten months.» It is in this context that, as early as march 2018, two «entrepreneurs in the public interest’, Ned Baldessin, developer, and Laurie Chapotte, designer, were welcomed in the residence.

» READ ALSO – The revolt of the CGT against the «bad trial» to the national Furniture

The platform is adapted to the needs of all users: researchers, historians, pupils or students. It will be available not only on Internet but also tablet and smartphone. It is, in substance, to value, through the collections, the know-how associated with it: art crafts, materials, techniques, tools… And so «reveal the entire ecosystem of the trades of art», emphasizes the institution in its press release.

The Mobilier national, which has several centuries of experience in the field of restoration and creation, and the use of arts and crafts of high-level, sometimes endangered, has been roundly criticised in the last report of the Court of auditors in February to a management «ossified», as its management rejects vigorously. The Court has called on the government to «engage without further delay the revival of its activities.»