If the recitals of arias of opera are frequently running the pavement in Paris music-lover, those dedicated to the art so delicate lieder or French art song generally struggle to find an audience. It is to rebalance these forces that the Philharmonie de Paris has decided to dedicate three full days in the great tradition of German lieder. A tradition of germanic in which the torch still, of course, brought to its pinnacle by the tandem-Schubert-Schumann. But also found, towards the end of the romance, of the developments that are strange and fascinating in the writings of the champions of modernism, such as Hanns Eisler, Viktor Ullmann or Alban Berg!
» READ ALSO – Matthias Goerne, the «lieder» of baritones.
It is, therefore, to these multiple metamorphoses that have interested many artists, young or less young, gathered at this weekend. The opportunity to reflect on the legacy of the song. And, therefore, of the worship, rather than the ghettoïser. Moreover, the wide range of duos pianists-singers gathered at the Cité de la musique will return the image of an art of interpretation that looked to the future. The young shoots are responding to récitalistes licensed. The veteran Christian Elsner, pupil in berlin of the immense Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, landscapes, twilight and the movement’s ultimate winter Journey of Schubert. A cycle that the wagner tenor alongside for many years, whether in its version with piano, or the visionary reinterpretation of the orchestra that made Hans Zender in the 1930s.
this version with orchestra, Julian Prégardien gave an interpretation inspiring theatricality, and musicality this fall in Alpha. This time, it was his father, Christoph, the other ambassador, patented the lied, who have taken possession of during the spring, the winter Journey : die schöne müllerin . Between these two blocks are carried by two giants of the lied, the word is youth. German soprano Annette Dasch we will be on the land less familiar with Korngold, Ullmann, Eisler, or Rieger, with all the verve and energy that we know. The baritone of the South Tyrol Andrè Schuen of the other, who comes to deliver the disk (Avi-Music) an interpretation pleasing warmth and liveliness of many lieder by Schubert. Italian ancestry oblige, he will here the Sonnets de Petrarque of Liszt, and the Songs of Amaranth of Tosti. Finally, as a reminder that the composers germanic do not have the prerogative of-the-art melodic, the young and bubbly Camille Poul will host, on Sunday, two promenade concerts at the music Museum on the French song… of Hélène de Montgeroult in the Twentieth century.
Weekend lieder! Cité de la Musique 224, avenue Jean-Jaurès (Xix). Tel.: 01 44 84 44 84. Dates: from 25 to 27 jan. Seating: from 8 to 32 €.