The police filed a case after the discovery of the bag with the baby in between garages in the suburbs

Moscow police opened a case of leaving in danger after the discovery of a newborn baby between the garages in the Taldom district. This was «Rosbaltu» said the head of the press service GU MVD of Moscow region Tatyana Petrova.

Newborn baby boy lying in a shopping bag, between the garages, near the village of Dubrovka accidentally found by a local resident.

Police continue search for mother of abandoned baby, who is currently in the hospital.

Commissioner for children’s rights in Moscow region Ksenia Mironova said that the condition of the infant is estimated by doctors as satisfactory. According to her, the baby wasn’t supercooled. «If the man came an hour later, the child is probably to save the already failed», — said the Ombudsman, reports the Agency «Moscow».

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