The predicted timing of the recovery of the world economy

Analysts at Morgan Stanley believe that the world economy is affected by the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19, has already begun to gradually recover, and global GDP will return to pre-crisis values by the fourth quarter 2020, reports Bloomberg.

Expecting a sharp but short recession, experts at Morgan Stanley predict a fall in global GDP of 8.6% in the second quarter of this year and rise to 3% in the first quarter of 2021, according

the analysts, banks do not rule out a second wave of infection with coronavirus in the fall, but it can be controlled, if there is widespread access to the vaccine.

Recall that the outbreak of pneumonia caused by a coronavirus infection (COVID-2019), was formally recorded in December 2019 in the Chinese city of Wuhan. March 11, 2020, the world health organization (who) officially recognized the situation with coronavirus pandemic. To date, cases of infection were recorded in almost 200 countries and regions of the world. In General, the number of infected COVID-2019 in the world exceeded 8 million people, died more than 436 thousand. The pandemic has had devastating effects on the world economy. Under the powerful kick hit many industries, including transport, tourism, hospitality, automotive, construction, retail, and entertainment.

we also Add that on June 8 the world Bank (WB) has revised the sharp deterioration in the Outlook for the global economy. As follows from the June report of the world Bank, «the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine measures to contain it have had a sudden and massive shock effect on the world economy, plunging her into a deep recession».

Bank Experts predict that this year the global GDP will shrink by 5.2%. «This recession will be the deepest since the Second world war, and the decline in production per capita will reach the greatest percentage of countries since 1870», — emphasized in the WB.

However, in 2021 expected to recover, the world economic growth may reach 4.2 percent, not 2.6 percent as expected in January.

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