It was the smallest of the great rappers. The emcee reached dwarfism Buschwick Bill, co-founder of the group texans the Geto Boys, died Monday at the age of 52 years died of cancer of the pancreas. His death, announced yesterday in the evening by TMZ , had initially been denied by his son before being confirmed by his manager on Monday.
Born in Kingston Jamaica in 1966, Bushwick Bill got its nickname of the new york district of Bushwick, where he grew up before settling in one of the ghettos the most difficult of Houston. There, he meets Scarface and Willie D, with whom he founded the Geto Boys in 1986, a group of rap’s hardcore, which was made known with the album We Can’t Be Stopped , released in 1992.
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against the current of the gangsta rap of the time between the rappers from the west coast to those of the east coast, the trio of texans playing with the codes of horror to describe the daily life in difficult neighborhoods of Houston, not hesitating to address themes such as violence, cannibalism, or even satanism.
Éborgné following an argument with his girlfriend, and was diagnosed with dwarfism, Bushwick Bill compared himself willingly to Chucky, doll possessed by the spirit of a serial killer in the saga of horror films of the same name. In an interview given to Arte five years ago, he claimed to draw his inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe, Shakespeare or Stephen King, using the horror of «telling tales of ghetto».