Each year, the déclinistes announce his death. Each year, however, the book is still there, on the shelves of bookstores, and gives rise to the most vibrant passions. We think of the «Houellebecqmania» that has swept the beginning of January, but more recently the phenomenon Bussi, who has invested, with I must have dreamt too loud (Presses de la cité), the head of the Top 20 GFK/Livres Hebdo as early as the first week of its release. The novel, the comic, science-fiction, manga are always to the page. They are a new youth. According to a report published Wednesday, 13th march by the National Book Centre (CNL) and Ipsos on the practices of reading in the Hexagon, the readers are mostly young, female and faithful to the subject paper.

Made with 1000 people in the beginning of the year, the poll showed, with figures to support, that the book has lost nothing of its superb. It will be even better in 2017. In 2019, «the French are more likely to perceive themselves to be readers of books,» we learn. They are 88% see themselves as such. This is 4% higher than two years ago and 3% more than in 2015. This increase is explained by the number of men who declare themselves to be readers (85% compared to 79% in 2017), 15-24 years (91% compared to 82% in 2017) and the 65 years and over (96%, compared to 89% in 2017).

The novel arrives in front of the practical books and the COMICS, the Manga and the Comics

To the reading of the report, we understand that these figures are based on a low level. If 96% of readers say they read for pleasure (6% more than in 2017), 94% to learn and 73% in order to be happy and fulfilled (5% from 2017), they are also 69% say that they «would like to read more books» if they had the time. This last factor is in fact one of the first brakes to the reading, not to mention the problem of the proximity of the libraries. The report also reveals that the price can be an obstacle. If the purchase of book nine is stable between 2017 and 2019, however, a third of the readers had recourse to the purchase of opportunity in 2019. This phenomenon is also seen among the big players – who are less likely to spend money in a new book, the 65 years and older, 15-24 years and women.

readers do not consume less, they consume differently. «The book market seems to redraw itself», he wrote in the report. Some kinds attract each other and the graces of the public. This is the case of the novel which is acclaimed to 74%, practical books (56%) and the BD/ Mangas-Comics (51%). Three genera are in net progression: the science-fiction novels, books on personal development (which were particularly popular in the forties and earn 12% more than in 2017) and the manga. There is nothing surprising about the latter kind. It should be remembered that France is the second consumer in the world of manga.

84% of the French buy books for the offer

readers consume differently depending on their age and their sex. If 31% of the French are great readers, women are big readers (they read 26 books, on average, during the last twelve months) than their male counterparts (17 books). They are seeking to 25% read for pleasure, when men are 35% to seek to deepen their knowledge. Women prefer to read to 66% of the practical books, the art of living and leisure ; and men choose to 51% of the comic books. If the 15-24 age group pays lip service to 57% of the books of SF and fantasy, those aged 25-64 years are opting mostly for practical books, art de vivre and leisure, when the 65 and over turn more willingly to the books on history.

The reading habits vary according to the time (the women read especially in the evening before going to bed), the means of transport (respondents are reading more easily at home to 95%, while trips to 60%, and in other public places, to 30%, compared to 28% in 2017), even if 50% say they read on a daily basis. The digital book has no bearing on these practices. The report also states that the number of «books read (paper + digital) is relatively stable between 2019 and 2017». However, the survey shows that the rate of readers of digital books is always higher in the 15-24 age group. They are 47% to have read at least one in the course of the last twelve months. This usage is also found in women, who «read leans toward the more e-books in 2017: 5 pounds the digital counter 3 in 2017».

Finally, the report indicates that 84% of the French buy books for the offer. However, when the respondents bought or will buy a book, they are 87% to do this because they know the author, 87% also, because a close has advised the said book and 64%, finally, because they have followed the recommendation of a journalist or a literary critic. Of note, 34% of readers are sensitive to the literary prize awarded by a book. This is 3% higher than in 2017 and 5% in 2015.

Alice Develey