Released on Sunday by Universal Music’s heritage label Panthéon, this double disc, which is only released on vinyl, highlights fun and sometimes naughty songs that the actress recorded from 1960, like «La Cavaleuse» and of «Drapeau noir», titles written and composed by the «man with the head of cabbage».
Gilbert Bécaud and Jean-Jacques Debout also wrote several songs for Mireille Darc, sex symbol of the pop years and fetish and popular actress of Audiard and Lautner, before becoming in the 90s a committed documentary filmmaker with reference reports on the life in prison or the daily life of prostitutes.
«Mimi, if I had to draw the shape of your universe, I would give it the shape of a heart. If I had to sculpt a woman, it would be you… Your love is my lost paradise», wrote Alain Delon, whose she was the companion for fifteen years, in a message sent to AFP on Saturday on the occasion of the release of the disc.
Mireille Darc died on August 28, 2017 at the age of 79. Affected since childhood by a murmur in the heart, the actress had had open-heart surgery twice in 1980 and 2013. At the end of 2016, she had suffered two cerebral hemorrhages.