The United States will deprive Hong Kong's privileged status

the United States will deprive Hong Kong’s privileged status because it ceased to be a separate component of China, said the President Donald trump.

trump said that, in the opinion of the United States, Hong Kong recently, the de facto «ceased to be an Autonomous part of China.»

«China has replaced its promise to follow the principle of «one country, two systems» on the principle of «one country — one system,» said trump at the White house.

«We will begin to consider the refusal of a number of privileges,» he said, explaining that this applies, in particular, trade, and extradition agreements.

he added that the US will revoke the status of an independent customs territory of Hong Kong and impose sanctions against officials who «directly or indirectly undermine the autonomy of Hong Kong.» «Our actions will be decisive and significant», — said the President of the United States.

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