The who said the threat of more powerful wave of coronavirus

Director of the European regional office of the world health organization (who) Hans Kluge admitted the possibility of a re-surge of coronavirus in the near future.

According to him, the second wave can be even more devastating for the unprepared countries, and urged not to lift the quarantine too early.

Before the advent of vaccines Kluge called for a thorough «to stop» foci of infection, as the virus «will stay with us for a long time».

«the Second wave is not inevitable, however, a growing number of countries removes restrictions, there is a clear threat to re-surge,» said he.

as soon As the vaccine will appear in the who promise to do all that it was fairly common, and all countries got to her equal access.

While there is still no concrete date for a vaccine, although it also involved prominent scientists and the best researchers from around the world.

for its part, senior specialist in emergencies regional office for Europe the who Catherine Smallwood said that while no country of Europe have not developed an immunity to COVID-19.

According to the latest who data, the total number of cases are reported during the pandemic reached 6 million 194 thousand 533. Organization known about 376 thousand 320 deaths associated with the new disease.

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