on Friday, the supreme Court has opened the way to a new stop food and hydration now in the life of Vincent Lambert. A new twist in the case of the patient quadriplegic in a vegetative state for ten years.On RTL on Saturday to promote his new album, Maxime Le Forestier has expressed itself on this subject of actalité. The question of Vincent Parizot «what do you think of this case?», the artist, 70-year-old immediately said: «hostage-taking», before to prevent the presenter of the Journal Unexpected : «I say solemnly: if I, one day I’m in this state, can you do me a big shoot of morphine and let me go.»

The case of Vincent Lambert is «a hostage taking», according to Maxime Le Forestier – Watching on Figaro Live

» READ ALSO – The mother of Vincent Lambert will speak before the Council of human rights of the united nations

The Court of cassation quashed the decision of the Paris court of appeal which, on 20 may, had ordered the resumption of the treatment of this old nurse of 42 years, victim of a road accident in 2008, and became a symbol of the end of life in France. Therefore, it «has no more remedies are possible because there are more judges to seize», said Patrice Spinosi, the lawyer for Rachel Lambert, the wife of the patient, which is favorable to the discontinuation of treatment. «It is a final point in this matter,» he said. The treatment «can stop now. Now, it is the choice of the medical teams.»

«we need to respect what the doctors say and the law», for its part, has responded to the prime minister, Édouard Philippe. This Monday, the mother of Vincent Lambert, Viviane Lambert, will speak before the Council of human rights of the UN, to discuss the refusal of the French government to comply with the provisional measures prescribed by the Committee on the rights of persons with disabilities.

SEE ALSO – Why the case Lambert has she taken such a dimension? – Look on Figaro Live