Thomas B. Reverdy, was received Wednesday, the prix Interallié for his book The winter of our discontent (Flammarion) during the ceremony at the restaurant Lasserre in the VIIIe arrondissement of Paris. It was in competition with Night on the snow by Laurence Cossé (Gallimard), Masters and slaves of Paul Greveillac (Gallimard), The beautiful and ambitious of Stéphane Hoffmann (Albin Michel).
the 44-year-old Thomas B. Reverdy is a novelist accomplished with a dozen books to his credit. He takes his aggregation in modern literature in 2000 and taught at a secondary school in Seine-Saint-Denis. In 2008, he was awarded the prix Valery-Larbaud for his third novel, the Last of The fires (Threshold). Two years later, he is the winner of the prix François-Mauriac for his book Upside down world . Thomas B. Reverdy has already done part of the selection of the prix Goncourt in 2013 and 2015, for The Evaporés and It was a city.
«Here come the winter of our discontent»
The Winter of our discontent , was published on 22nd August, brings to the stage the story of Candice, a student in a theatre, in a London paralysed by the strikes of the winter of 1979. The young woman plays in a female company in the title role of the piece, the more black Shakespeare, Richard III, the character to which you must reply famous, echoed by the Sun to describe the winter of 1979, and which gives its title to this novel: « Here come the winter of our discontent .»
Candice tries to soak up its role in studying the conquest of power. It crosses at the theatre Warehouse a certain Margaret Thatcher, still unknown to the public. She also meets other young people who, like her, are trying to get a place in this world without pity.
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Thomas B. Reverdy excels to capture landscapes in motion, things that pack up, the glow of life that rises in the favour of the disorder. He walks her novel as a camera through the neighborhoods of London, gliding in the wake of her heroine that file, slaloms, dance on his bike courier, his job as a food.
The chapters are linked as the songs of an album, each one has its theme and its chorus. Here and there, the author broadens the field, sweeps the events of the planet, shows that it was not only in England that 1979 was a year of rocking some sort of order in another. Thomas B. Reverdy is never better than when he painted the end of the night, the coming of the day, the time where creatures of the night come out of the clubs of Soho. This is what Jones, the jazz pianist who no longer has a place in this city comes even more to write his music. Through this beautiful character, the writer gives a poetic art.